I love capturing photos of plants, food and non-living things because I always believe, although they are not human, but they do have their own expression and emotion yet to be read and appreciated.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Dating 101: Is He Mr. Right?

This morning when I was about to click in to my yahoo mailbox, I saw this headline in the homepage. Knowing myself for almost 30 years, I never thought that I will or need to read this... hahahah...

Lately I've been listening to a lot of romantic stories... they are real stories... so, probably I am being poisoned by their sweetness, and now I am thinking to cultivate some romantic gene in me, I need to learn how to be a true libran! That's the only reason I can find why this title has diverted me from my mailbox, see what's the author written...


em... nothing much I can learn from there, but I do agree with those points, especially listening...
initially I have many thoughts about romance, but when I was half way writing... a customer (guy) walked in and here's the conversation:

(cut the crab and I go into the last few sentence before he left my shop)

F: R you married? Do you have a boyfriend?

me: nope... (still being very friendly)

F: You are such a young girl, it's unbelieveable you don't have a bf

me: ya, I really don't have a bf

F: how old are you?

me: almost 30

F: I'm 53, for sure you are not looking for an old man like me to be your bf

me: (smile)

F: you are still travelling from KL to Seremban everyday?

me: ya (still smiling)

F: why don't you stay here? I got a house.

me: I prefer my bed.

F: My wife has stroke, she can't speak well, and now she has just undergo an operation, has
removed her uterus... and I'm now looking for someone.

me: oh, you are looking for a maid/ nurse?

F: (started talking bad about his wife, which made me very uncomfortable) I have 2 sons, age 27 and 26, and I need to find myself a partner.

me: (WTF!!!) Perhaps now your wife needs you, you should spend more time with her (still smiling, see, now I've got a very good EQ).

F: (continue talking... and I faking myself as if I'm listening), yesterday I tried to call to your shop, no one answering.

me: I currently do not have a staff, so the shop is closed during weekend.

F: Can I have your number, so that next time when I want to come to buy stuff I can give you a call first.

me: (I think my face is turning black) OK

F: can you key in for me?

(I keyed in my number, then you know what? He called rightaway, and of course I gave him the right number, just that that's my company number)

F: Ok, I got to go, got something to do (as if I'm interested)

me: Thanks. Bye...

This guy has mess up my day and has ruined my mood of being romantic...


Pr3tty* Knitty~ said...

my god! i dont think i had such patient to continue the conversation with him!

Unknown said...

What a creep! Dear, you really have the patient and the EQ leh. Am really proud of you. If I were you, I would screw him liao. =P Messing with my lao po somemore! Hng!

Wei Sum said...

hopefully i don't have to see him again... if I do, will try my best to do the sales transaction as fast as possible, so he could leave the outlet fast too...

Lingzie said...

oh my gosh!! what a creep!!!!! ish. your EQ really very high la dear. if me... i would probably be kelam kabut dunno what to do...just want to get out of the situation!