I love capturing photos of plants, food and non-living things because I always believe, although they are not human, but they do have their own expression and emotion yet to be read and appreciated.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Phuket Cruise Away (6~9/03/05)

2005 Totalife Staff Trip - Phuket Cruise Away (6 ~ 9/3/05)

Color flag, nothing to do on board, very boring and taking my colleague camera (nikon) taking some "wu liao" picture.

My sun burned leg

The corridor back to my room
p/s: This was a memorable trip as this trip was actually planned to go in January 2005, but Tsunami just happened on 26/12/04, Phuket beaches were in a mess and it's not safe for us to go, so this trip postponed to March 05. But don't know for what reason, when we were in the cruise, we can feel the wave and making the cruise swing so hard and made us feel sea sick for the whole trip.
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