I love capturing photos of plants, food and non-living things because I always believe, although they are not human, but they do have their own expression and emotion yet to be read and appreciated.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

一公升眼泪主题曲 - Only Human

Only Human, theme song for 一公升眼泪, is my 2nd favorite Japanese song after Everything by Misia, theme song for 大和抚子. Of course, maybe one of the reason why I like both of the songs is because I love the series. Anybody who read my blog loves watching Japanese series too?

Frankly speaking, I watched only a few, but I think every series that I watched do bring out some meaningful messages, like 一公升眼泪, it is based on a true story, the sick little girl lived her life positively and the series tells us we should treasure our lives and the one who we love and the one who love us.

The lyrics of the song is very positive too, I'm trying my best to translate it into English (please bear with me because my English is not very good). Also, the song is in my playlist. With the pronunciation, you can sing along as well. Enjoy!

Only Human – K

哀しみの向こう岸に 微笑みがあるというよ
kana shi mi no mu ko u kishi ni hohoe mi ga a ru to i u yo
在悲哀的對岸 據說可以找到微笑
They say smiles can be found opposite the bank of sorrow

哀しみの向こう岸に 微笑みがあるというよ
kana shi mi no mu ko u kishi ni hohoe mi ga a ru to i u yo
在悲哀的對岸 據說可以找到微笑
They say smiles can be found opposite the bank of sorrow

たどり着くその先には 何が僕らを待ってる?
ta do ri tsu ku so no saki ni wa nani ga boku ra wo ma- te ru
好不容易到達後 在那裡究竟有甚麼在等待我們?
But when we reach there, what’s waiting for us?

逃げるためじゃなく 夢追うために 旅に出たはずさ 
ni ge ru ta me gya na ku yume wo u ta me ni tabi ni te ta ha zu sa
並不是為了逃避而踏上旅程 而是為了追尋夢想
I’m not running away, but to find my dream in my journey

遠い夏のあの日 明日さえ見えたなら ため息もないけど
tooi natsu no a no hi a shi te a sa e mi e ta na ra ta me i ki mo na i ke do
在那個遙遠的夏天 縱使因為預見未來而失去鬥志
In that distant summer, even though due to the foreseeable future, I lost my morale

流れに逆らう舟のように 今は 前へ 進め
naka re ni saka ra u fune no yo- ni ima wa mae he susume
現在也像逆流而上的孤舟一樣 繼續向前走
Like rafting a boat by myself in a contra current, but I’m still moving forward

苦しみの尽きた場所に 幸せが待つというよ
kuru shi mi no tsu ki ta basho ni shiyawase ga matsu to u yo
在痛苦的盡頭 據說幸福正在等待
They say happiness is waiting for us when we walk through the pain

僕はまだ探している 季節はずれの向日葵
boku wa ma da saka shi te i ru kisetsu ha zu re no hi nawari
我還在尋覓 隨季節變換而散落的向日葵
I’m still looking for the withered sun flower after season changes

こぶし握りしめ 朝日を待てば
ko bu shi nigi ri shi me asahi wo ma te ba
I’m still clenching my fist waiting for the rising sun

赤い爪あとに 涙 キラリ 落ちる
aka i tsume a to ni namida ki ra ri o chiru
在透紅的手後 眼淚悄然落下
Beyond my red hands, my tears fall down quietly

孤独にも慣れたなら 月明かり頼りに
kodoku ni mo na re ta na ra tsukia ka ri tayo ri ni
孤獨也能習慣的話 依靠著月光的指引
If I can get use to the loneliness, follow the moonlight

hame na ki tsubasa de tobi ta to-
I can fly up high with my bald wings

もっと 前へ 進め
mo-to mae he susume
Continue to go further

雨雲が切れたなら 濡れた道 かがやく
ame kumo ga ki re ta na ra mu re ta michi ka ga ya ku
雨雲散退後 濡濕的路上閃耀生輝
When the rain goes, the road shines

闇だけが教えてくれる 強い 強い 光
nami da ke ga hoshi e te ku re ru tsuyoi tsuyoi hikari
Like a strong beam guiding me in the dark

強く 前へ 進め
tsuyo ku mae he susume
Makes me stronger to go further

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