I love capturing photos of plants, food and non-living things because I always believe, although they are not human, but they do have their own expression and emotion yet to be read and appreciated.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Malacca Day Trip 23.04.10

The best thing being single is you can jump on a car and head to any destination that suddenly hit your mind. I still can’t imagine myself in a wedding dress even I have already started panicking on my biological clock. Well… come back to the topic, I have a handful of friends who are still in the single club, which I’m still a platinum member in it, and in a fine sunny day, I received a phone call from one of them, asking if I’m free the next day, if I want to join another 2 of them do a Malacca eating day trip. Without much or any further ado: “Yea!!!”, “alright, will let you know when & where we shall meet up to carpool.” Committing a trip is just as easy and fast as that.


Jonker Walk, only this happening during weekend. A place which is always in the must-do list visiting Malacca town.

Since this was an eating trip… what must I share other than food?


Pic 1: Popiah – a real famous (= good business) one in town, we waited for about 40 minutes to get it. The special part is, the hawker put pork lard in it. Taste interesting but try not taking a lot at a go, not only not very healthy for your heart but will get very greasy too.

Pic 2: Ban Lee Siang Satay Celup, some said Capitol nicer but frankly speaking, I can’t tell any difference. This is a must eat in Malacca, not eating means not entering the town. Smile It’s another form of steamboat, but the soup isn’t herbal, tomyam or chicken stock clear soup, you are actually dipping the food into a pot of boiling satay gravy to cook!

Pic 3: Snacks @ Jonker Street. Must eat list included Cendol, nyonya desserts, dodol, pineapple tart and this time, I found Portuguese egg tart there and a very interesting snack – tornado chip.

Pic 4: Beer @ Jonker Street. The street getting so popular and flooded with tourists, there is a backstreet full of pubs. We can’t be stuffing any food into our stomach but that doesn’t mean that we can’t drink! We ended up pub-hopping for beer before we ended our 12 hours food trip to Malacca.

1 comment:

Tim Cray said...

Beautiful pictures!
WOW ! this is nice blog and gorgeous photography. I like it thanks for sharing this blog ..
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