I love capturing photos of plants, food and non-living things because I always believe, although they are not human, but they do have their own expression and emotion yet to be read and appreciated.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Fairy Tales

Fairy tales are poisonous... oh, I'm sorry, I know I'm a very bad devil, but come on, we are all living in reality, have you ever wonder what's after "happily ever after"?Prince and princess love at first sight, or they don't even know each other before the prince fight so hard to rescue his princess, and blindly think that she is the one? But, frankly speaking, I really admire or, I envy their courage...

Micheal Wong, a very talented Malaysian composer and singer, he has a song named 童话 (Fairy Tales). In the chorus, he said
你要相信, 相信我们会像童话世界里
(I will become an angel, protect you with my wings, just like in the world of fairy tale, you gotta believe, believe that we will be together happily ever after)
However, for me, I don't need him to be an angel, I don't expect him to be with me all the time, he don't even need to promise me any fairy-tale happily ever after ending, but I hope we can write our own story together...
This is not easy tho, if both of the partners have no courage to make the first move.
(We need courage to love...)

* Pictures from the net

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