I love capturing photos of plants, food and non-living things because I always believe, although they are not human, but they do have their own expression and emotion yet to be read and appreciated.

Monday, July 12, 2010

My Brand New June

In months, I'll enter another decade of my life. Before that, I had made an important decision, which is to go back to sales. Please do not ask me why, I am still finding the right words to say. But I know, I'm not a person who is good in climbing corporate ladder.

There are so much I want to say... especially during this time, season of missing... I can't be able to transform my feeling to word, only good friends know how terrible I feel, each and every time of this.

Keep things short, I will only write short descriptions to each of the photos...

View from my new office pantry...

Friends sort of celebrating my new beginning... @ Sanbanto
(click underline to view my previous post about Sanbanto)
Never visited this place more than 6 months, they have new menu and new dishes!


one fine afternoon... watching the leaves floating/ dancing...

water droplet on table cloth


Flowers @ my old house garden

Red sky...

Dad was holding a cempedak that he "steal" from a fruit's orchard
Dad's friend brough us to a kampung (I've forgotten the name of the village) for lunch... that's not a proper restaurant, in fact, it's a house and the owners serve their kampung chicken to visitors. The cempedak was from the orchard behind their house. My dad actually wanted to pay, but the couple (owners) refuse to accept, they said it's a token of appreciation for us... what a kind and warm couple.

I knew this day will come, but I wouldn't expected it to come so soon...
Government decided to demolish Pudu Jail for development/ road widening.
It used to be a very famous and popular landmark in KL, it was there since I'm very very young, of course I understand, to keep an abandoned building in the middle of KL is not logical, but when news came to my eyes and ears, I feel bad... it's like seeing a childhood friend leaving the country, leaving you...


I'm lost in UMMC...
UMMC is one of the account I need to service... the first time I was there... ya, I'm lost... I was lucky because later on, I met an ex-colleague and I managed to get some very useful information from her.
Since I'm lost... and came to a canteen, so, while resting my feet... I played with my companion - camera...

My bag to work
- End of my report -

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