I love capturing photos of plants, food and non-living things because I always believe, although they are not human, but they do have their own expression and emotion yet to be read and appreciated.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Before I start my topic, I need to apologize to those who don't read Chinese. I will try to translate what I write later. But for the moment, I wish to express my feeling in Chinese, because of the fluency. Will do the translation either tomorrow or the day after.





Hat Restaurant驻演。对我这外行人来说,他们的表演让我对爵士乐有更深一层的认识。他们乐队的名字叫Bopli City。队长,Julian是一位Saxophone手,Trumpet手叫Eddie,拉Double Bass的叫Vincent,还有一位钢琴手,但我到现在还是记不起他叫什么名字。他们的fans也不赖哦,很多都是从开场就支持他们到散场,有些还是在大老远来支持他们的呢。中场的时候他们即兴邀请了一位从英国来的Jazz vocalist上台和他们飙歌,终场结束前连一位比较老练的Saxaphone手也忍不住上台小露一手。虽说即兴,但表演得非常赞,一点都不马虎。若说他们的表演无懈可击,好像太夸张了,但重点是,他们对爵士乐的热诚还有他们表演时那认真的神态就真的魅力非凡。请原谅我不能一一在这说明他们的魅力所在,因为我对爵士乐真的一窍不通,好听就是了。若你想体验他们的魅力,不妨在周末的时候到他们驻演的餐厅捧场吧!





This morning, don’t ask me why, the word “conscientiousness” just popped up in my mind. So, I was thinking to write an article about the topic.

Lately been thinking a lot of trifling stuffs, and I can’t stop thinking about it. Can I not growing up and stay innocent, so I don’t have to face it? Oh, seems like my above sentence doesn’t really match my topic. Ok, let’s come back to it next time. Talking about conscientiousness, I always think that, regardless you are guys or girl, young or old; when you live your life seriously, you will be really attractive. For example, that day, I was meeting my colleague for lunch, although the chef wasn’t really handsome, or say it this way, his type wasn’t my cup of tea, but when watching him conscientiously preparing and cooking our dishes, I think, at that moment, he is very attractive.

When I look at myself, I can’t remember if I ever be conscientious to anything. Hey friend, have I? This has also reminded me another question, what’s my hobby? Others said, if you like to do something, you will give your best to it. But, most of the time, I’m just hangat-hangat tahi ayam la, hahaha, am I spell the Malay sentence right? So, I don’t really have a long term hobby. Or maybe singing is my hobby. Not a serious one, but it can help me to de-stress.

Singer that I like include David Tao, Lee Hom and Jacky Cheung, they have something in similar, besides they are all man, they treat their career, music and their family or the one that they love seriously. Maybe it’s because I like music, I can easily being attracted to those musician or artist.

Last Friday, I was accompanying my ex-colleague to watch a jazz performance at Top Hat Restaurant. The drummer, Martin is her childhood friend. Honestly, I know nothing about jazz music, but the pieces that they played are very nice. The band named Bopli City. Band leader called Julian; he is a saxophonist, Eddie played trumpet, Vincent played double bass and there is another pianist which I don’t remember his name. They have great fans also; most of them came from far and supported them till the end.

During their second session, they invited a guest from UK and he is a jazz vocalist to jam with them. Before the session end, another saxophonist sifu also can’t help but went on stage to jam with them as well. Although that was an ad-lib, but it was absolutely a good jam. Ok, maybe I wouldn’t say it’s perfect, but the point is, they are good and attractive due to their passion to jazz and their conscientious performance. Forgive me for not being able to describe why I think their performance is good, because I really know nothing about jazz, but if you would like to experience it, you can check on their schedule.

Check on the link above.

See, I think I’m out of topic, now you know I can’t really write a good essay and I’m not an expressive person. Lastly, like what I mention above, those who live their live seriously are gorgeous and attractive. I wish one day, I can conscientiously pursue my dream. Wish me luck! And I wish all of you live a successful life!


Unknown said...

Haha.. sound heavy.. deep thought. I guess you have your hobby and interest.. Many of which you spend them on friends ensuring we are together. Making sure your friends are well and happy.. so you have done a great job in that. No one can deny your contribution in our class so give some credits to yourself. Sometimes it is the small gesture that matter most.

Wei Sum said...

Thanks for the recognition. I already tried my best not to make it sound so heavy. I didn't know ensuring friends stay together is my hobby... :)Thanks for supporting my page too!And yes, small gesture really matter most!

Pr3tty* Knitty~ said...

I really disagree with what you said here. Honestly, I always think you are serious in what you do most of the time. You are just a sweet friend that I am too lucky to have in my life! Gal, you are doing very good job! Chin up and you are still my beautiful Sam!

Wei Sum said...

Hey, I'm so touch. At least both of my best best friends gave me such a big "crown". Love you!

Lingzie said...

sam...i can't understand fully what you wrote, tried to read it with my limited mandarin! but i know you've had a lot on your mind lately, and i share some of your feelings esp about feeling lost and not knowing where we are headed in life. I hope you are feeling better.

You know our mini gathering at chilis? Wah...i havent laughed and laughed like that for a long long time.. and that's thanks to you and the other A33 girls. And you will always always make time to see me when i'm in kl. You girls are a gem! Everyday i am thankful for you girls!
So keep your spirits up! You have accomplished more than you know...and you are my lovely sam who always keep a look out for me!:)

Wei Sum said...

Thanks Lingtze... See la, lazy Sam promised to translate it to English, but till today still pending the project. Ok, promise, will get it done today. :)