I love capturing photos of plants, food and non-living things because I always believe, although they are not human, but they do have their own expression and emotion yet to be read and appreciated.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Swiss-Garden Resort & Spa Kuantan

After my stock take marathron, I made another short trip to Kuantan, for a company seminar. The seminar was held in a resort, however, program was quite tight, didn't get to see the beach until...

Toward the end of the day, due to some delay, we need to hand-over the ballroom to another function, the banquet suggested us to do our closing by the beach.

The weather was quite windy... the wave was kind of "fierce" too

Surfing board
Some were surprised that we have surfing activity in Malaysia

How I wish I got more time by the beach... let the wind blow away my worries

I like the restaurant... modern concept

Swiss-Garden Resort & Spa Kuantan
Balok Beach, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
2656-2657, Mukim Sungai Karang, Balok Beach,
26100 Berserah, Kuantan,Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia.

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