If you still remember my "Met the Thief" story, it was happened a day before my Bangkok trip... so, of course I will share a little bit of my traveling dairy here. Why there's only a little bit? Because I was still very "pening" (dizzy) after the punch! Furthermore, it's only a 3D2N trip, merely a shopping trip, how much can I say about shopping? (Shopping is not my favorite activity).
1st Day
Woke up very early, first thing that I did was looking at the mirror if my face has swollen or bruise. Ok, my face still fine, head a bit heavy and my skin a bit tight (I think my face swollen a bit but not noticeable).
Once on board, I slept through the whole journey to Bangkok from KL.

A lot of huge traditional statues "guarded" the airport
Usually I will be very excited but this time, I left most of things to my friends. Our trip was a free and easy trip, we didn't arrange transportation from airport to hotel, so, instead of hiring cab to hotel, we engaged a half day city tour with a local tour agent which also include transportation to hotel.
There were 6 of us, separated into 2 groups in different cars. We told the driver we stayed in
First House Hotel, without further asking or map pointing, he started the engine and drove us to our "hotel". I got a question here, is there any speed limit on the road? He was driving so fast until all of us kept finding if there's any speed limit sign.
When we reached, bell boy helped us to carry luggage to the hotel, and we told him we need to wait for another group of people. Manatau, waited for about half an hour (I went toilet, friend bought bread and we ate some, taking photos of their swimming pool and I felt asleep on the sofa in lobby...), my friends started to worry, so she went to the counter to check, OMG, that's First Hotel, not First House (FH) Hotel. The FH hotel was 2 streets further down the road. So, 3 of us were like mad girl, pulling our big luggage to find FH hotel.

Swimming pool of The First Hotel
(no house ya)
When we reached there, 3 of the other girls and the tour guide were waiting for us. We quickly throw our luggage to our rooms and without any minute delay, we started our journey by... lunch la, of course!

The 6 girls
From left: me, Eunice, W.Han, S.Fun, T.Min & Ester

The local mineral water, the container is a glass and the cap is made of aluminum
(similar to what we saw in Bali)
~Food pictures were at the bottom~
After our lunch, the tour guide brought us to a tailor shop which custom made suit or shirt or gown for tourist... ermm, quite pricey, so non of us get anything there
After that, he brought us to a jewelry shop...
(oh no, we were real tourists = water fishes)

Visit to their mini jewelry factory
The guy was making a ring

So cute!!!
Little golden piglets welcoming us at the entrance to the jewelry shop
I think these are part of their feng shui
Of course, some of us bought something... but me, still empty handed... head still dizzy, no mood to look into each of the item.
Then he brought us to see some of palaces (passed by only)

I have no idea which palace is this... Sanaranom?
You can't say you have been to Thailand without visiting a temple (wat)...
So, the itinerary followed by:
Wat, Wat & Wat
Wat PoWanna know more information, click on the link
I was amazed by the art of the building

This temple is believed to be older than the city...
I wonder, how the ancient people did this kind of art?

This is funny
Usually Chinese has "Mun Shen" (God of Door, guarding our house), in Wat Po, we saw this, served the same purpose but the God wear western suit and hat. Did you notice his bow tie? hehe

Piggy statues in the Wat

Guess what is this?
It's head of the reclining Buddha from the back
The Buddha is really really huge and it's gold. The Buddha is so big until his foot is almost equivalent to 2x3 of my size.
Then we went to
Wat Traimit - Temple of the Golden BuddhaBecause we wanted to go to China Town, so, the tour guide ended our half day tour there

The prayer was sticking the gold paper on the Buddha body

One of my favorite - water lily

Floating water lily
Opposite the temple, we saw a lady was feeding cats... a lot of cats... and most of the cats are very beautiful... I think she is a kind lady, feeding those poor abundant cats in the temple with her own money
~ Cats pictures at the bottom~
We asked the driver dropped us at China Town, we planned to have our dinner there and go back to hotel on our own

The old flats in China Town

Eunice was eating pineapple while waiting for our Pork Rice with Satay Sauce
(picture at the bottom)

BBQ-ing satay by the main road
Question: where's satay originally from?

One of the main road in China Town
Frankly speaking, while we were in China Town, I was really exhausted and my head became heavier and heavier...
Hence, I didn't border to take pictures of our dinner and so on.
After dinner, my friends were continue shopping till late night at Suan Lum Night Market. And I took a shower and slept dead on my bed.
2nd Day
On the 2nd day, I can describe our trip with one word - SHOPPING!!!
Platinum Shopping Mall was right opposite from where we stayed. What else a normal girl will do? Shopping lo... Day to night.
But, there are some tips for you to shop in such a big shopping mall:
1. Have to buy at least 3 pieces then only the owner will give you wholesales price.
2. Can't try-fit at all, but you can bring buy it and bring back to hotel to try, they normally allow you to change size or color.
3. If you see something you like, buy it straight away, don't wait or tell yourself you can go compare the other and come back later, NO, you might not find back the same place. And most of their stock are different.
4. Do not separate with your friends, or you might waste a lot of time looking for them.
5. Plan before you shop, or you will end up buying a lot of "non-sense" because everything seems nice.
What else? I'm not a professional shopper, that's just a bit of my shopping tips to shop in Platinum la.

Bangkok famous for their hectic traffic
Well, it's a well deserved "reputation"
3rd Day
Busy to do our last minute shopping and changing the clothes or things that we bought on 2nd day.
And in the morning I received a bad news regarding my friend's father passed away. So, beside than tired, I wasn't in mood for any. Just wish that I can reached home on time and go to see him as soon as possible.
Although I'm not a professional shopper nor a big fans of shopping, but look at what I've bought! And I'm the one spending the least! Can you imagine how many clothes that my friends bought?

My biggest satisfaction is the shoes that I bought, I bought 3 pairs, they are adorable right?

Tu, the cats

The food

If you ask me if I will go back to Bangkok again? Yes, but I think next time I really need to shop wisely. I actually want to get more working attire, but end up a lot of t-shirts. If there were no "punching" and "friend's dad passed away" kind of bad things happen, the trip will be happier lo.