I love shoes... but I got small feet. I'm only wearing, sometimes 5.5 or 6, even I'm 160cm tall. What so good about small feet? I can wear any display shoes in shops :)
That day, I took out all my shoes, wanted to count the exact number of pair of shoes that I have. You know what? I got 20 pairs (currently)!!!! Excluding those I've donated out each year. I think this is normal for a gal, who has more than 5 pair of shoes, at least, agree?
1. Exercise shoes (of course this is for workout)
2. Party shoes (normally refer to those killer high heel)
3. Slippers (is a must to keep in car, so we can change and drive and don't have to spoil our high heel)
4. Working shoes (comfortable and at the same time must be trendy)
5. Shopping/walking shoes (need not be only high heel, cause we need to wear it to shop whole day, easy to take off so that we could try on another pair of shoes)
Whereas, guys need only
1. Sport shoes (they can wear sport shoes to anywhere, or sometimes wearing slippers)
2. Leather shoes (as working shoes and party!)
See the different? Well, taking photos with my shoes, cropping and editing the photos, post it online and writing blog for my shoes collection, you must be thinking I'm crazy... Yes, I'm crazy for shoes... especially those classy shoes... :p

My shoes collection
(I just found another pair of pumps hiding under my car front seat... opps, lazy to take the picture all over again and do the photoshop cropping, just leave it la...)

The white color ballerinas is my most-worn shoes. It's easy to match with my clothes, because I'm not a colorful girl, most of my clothes are in white, black or grey, kind of dull right? But this is me!
The gold color sandals and dark purple strappy sandals are my seldom-worn killing high heel party shoes. I seldom go party, even I do, I prefer peep toe, trendy and more comfortable.
Oh yeah! not to forget to introduce my boot. I love wearing boot to work, my work need me to walk a lot, wearing this snowfly boot is super comfortable. Friends always think wearing boot is very stuffy, no no, at least I never had smelly feet after wearing it for a long day!

Peep-toe shoes & ballerina shoes.
Among them, I love my maroon and black peep-toe. Very classic and lady, plus, the heel is not too high, they can match my jeans very well.
Don't you think my wedges with green flower lovely too?
Although I like wearing my ballerina, but this brown ballerina makes my feet look small, so, I seldom wear it.

Pumps & Mules
They are my working shoes, except the left bottom dark blue mules. The black pointed-head is my latest collection, from Hush Puppy, very formal shoes.
The pink and the top left hand side brown color pointed-head shoes have same design but different material, brown one is PVC and the pink is jeans type. Both of them are my most-frequent-wear working shoes, the only reason is, they are very comfortable. If you have watched the F4 Taiwanese drama series, The Meteor Garden 1, one of the actress said, lady must has a pair of comfortable shoes, because it carries you around. She's absolutely right!
The left bottom dark blue pointed-head shoes is one of my party shoes. Bought it years ago, but very classic and durable. Love to wear it to party!

My sport/running/walking shoes
I used to wear sport shoes wherever I go, but as I become older, friends said I need to be lady a little bit... that's why now, I wear my ballerinas, pumps...
(oh, where's my Nike? mom...)

Oh dear... I didn't left you out...
I bought this pair in Singapore... this pumps are from Charles & Keith, Singapore local designer brand.