I love capturing photos of plants, food and non-living things because I always believe, although they are not human, but they do have their own expression and emotion yet to be read and appreciated.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tanjung Sepat (20.09.09)
This is my 2nd time to Tanjung Sepat... although I cannot understand why my parents like this place so much, but no matter where they go, I'm happy to be with them...
When I was young, I always tagged with my parents, my relatives always told my parents that when I got bigger, I will not be like that anymore, but, I want to tell them, they are wrong... going holiday or having family trip with them is always my dream... and I always wish that I could be "rich" enough to buy them trip every year.
This time, the places that we went were almost the same as last time, e.g. longan farm, pineapple farm, ganofarm, fish village, dragon fruit farm, except this time, we had seafood bak kut teh for lunch.
2nd Station: Seafood Bak Kut Teh (Lunch)
Seafood bak kut teh (only in Tanjung Sepat, must try)
3rd Station: Lover's Bridge
The seafood restaurant by the "Lover Bridge" (情人桥)
4th Station: Ganofarm
5th Station: Fisherman Village (to buy fresh fish)
No idea what is this, if I'm not mistaken, is this the tree which firefly loves?
6th Station: Another fruit farm
7th Station: Bao (Tea Break)
Since young, I always love peanut & sugar bao... I still think that Ampang one is the best
8th Station: Dragon Fruit Farm
A river-ful of waterlily
More writing please refer to my previous post: Tanjung Sepat