I have forgotten if I did mention one of the purpose of this trip for QiaoYi & family was to attend her brother's convocation. So, after a short pit stop @ London, it's time for us to head back to Glasgow. Will be spending the rest of our Europe trip, about 7 days in Glasgow.
We didn't do much thing in Glasgow except shop till we all dropped. Oh, talking about shopping, I was so silly, I thought I have spent all pounds that I brought in London, it's scary, because I actually have equal value of pounds and euro with me, and I only spent pounds in London, and euro in Paris and Amsterdam. I bought quite a lot in Paris and Amsterdam but yet I still have balance. But in my wallet, pounds were limited before I went back to Glasgow... I was scratching my head and scaring myself... and later I realised... yeah, I didn't brought all pounds with me, half of them were left in my big luggage which was locked in the hotel before we departed to Paris. phew~~
When we took Megabus back to Glasgow, time spent in the bus was longer than the trip it took from Glasgow to London... most probably due to bad weather. But taking this bus wasn't funny... nothing much we can do in bus but yet... it's very tiring.
1st day in Glasgow - doing nothing. When we reached Glasgow, it's already dinner time... Chihmun met us for dinner and brough us to Weaterspoon for beer and wine.
2nd day - shop! shop! shop! Night - Chihmun brought us to Princes Square for cocktail

A statue in front of a modern art museum...
yea... the con is placed in purpose. Modern art ma... you can never guess the purpose right.
Weather @ Glasgow is much colder than other cities.
And we have a "liqor supplier" - Chih Mun (also 1 of our high school friend) there, so, we have no reason to not drinking every night... hehe

@ one of a bar in a building, I have forgotten the name, that night we wanted to try cocktail and the guys asked me to choose.
I choose Pimps because I wanted to try something refreshing. When the waiter came to take order, we mention we wanted a jug of cocktail, then he suggested Sangria. Then we corrected him saying we wanted Pimps.
But when the drink arrived @ our table, it was Sangria, Chihmun insisted we shouldn't compromise and ask the waiter to change. When the waiter came, before we voiced out, he already knew he has made and mistake, but he didn't took the Sangria away from our table. We were guessing, will he give us this Sangria as compliment? But of course we didn't touch the jug before he brought us the right order.
I think he can read our mind, he asked us if we want to clear the Sangria from our table, because he can left it there for us FOC... aiyo... you should be able to guess what's the answer lo. hehe

The drummer wearing traditional kilt and doing street performance
I like guy with this kind of hairstyle
short and tidy
3rd day - Wailoong's convocation... Qiaoyi, Ken Leong and Qiaoyi's mother were invited to the ceremony... So, I'm bring Kenleong's parents to explore the city in the morning. A night before, Chihmun recommend us to go to the lighthouse, from there we can see the city from the top. A lighthouse in the middle of a city... amazing huh? usually lighthouse is built by sea shore, from least from my understanding la.
That day I had problem with my eyes... too dry or something... felt very uncomfortable and I can't put on my contact lenses too.
The Lighthouse is easily located... just that we felt a bit disappointed with it's height. It has only 6 floors. And there are art galleries, museum @ 2nd & 5th floor, if I'm not mistaken.

City view from the Lighthouse

I like this wall color

It has nothing much to see in the Lighthouse. So, we went back to the street, at least can see some street performance.
This is one of them. It is not a statue, ya, the pegeons are statues, but the man is a real man... he scared us when we passed by...

The ceremony ended in the afternoon, then we met for lunch together
My eyes problem was getting worse and caused terrible headache... so, I didn't follow the rest of them to take photograph @ Glasgow U... I went back to hotel to take a nap. Luckily my headache went off when I woke up.
Chihmun also got his new car that day. So, he has planned to take us to his apartment with his new car after dinner.
Dinner @ a spanish restaurant... I like the food there, very authentic

A group photo @ the restaurant
Chihmun's car is a two door BMW, so, we spilt into 2 groups, the parents follow his car and we took cab. Because Wailoong said he wanted to take photograph @ George Square in his new suit... hehe

@ Chihmun's apartment, he served us champagne...
we had beer and wine the 1st day, then we had cocktails the 2nd day and champagne the 3rd day... what a "drinking" trip!