| HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR || GONG XI FA CAI |Yeah! CNY is just around the corner. We have 2 new plants in our house. First pot is this
kumquat tree - 金桔. I've no idea why kumquat only sell before CNY, and, I'm not sure about other places, but kumquat is one of the top seller plants in Malaysia during CNY.
I think there are a few type of kumquat, we used to buy the round one but this time, my parents bought this longer in shape kumquat. This kumquat is beautifully decorated before my parents brought it home. If you still can't feel that CNY is close, bought one and put in your house, you will feel it immediately.

Nga gu plant
I'm sorry, I don't know how is it called in English. But you know, during CNY, normally you will find it everywhere, I mean the root, the root is something similar to potato, you can slice it and fried it to become nga gu chips.
Or, you can plant it with water and soil/tiny stones, and it will grow to be like this (see the picture below) - arrow shape leaves.
Tips: It takes about 2 weeks to grow. So, if you want your plant to look nice during CNY, plant it 2 weeks before CNY.
Nice right? I love orchid, orchid is one of my favorite plant. Guess how much is this? RM70. I hope the flower can stay for at least 1 month, because, it might take a few years to bloom again or maybe it might not be able to bloom again. seriously, this kind of orchid need special treatment and technique to plant, I have to say, we are not orchid expert.
After CNY, I think we have no excuse to be lazy anymore :( ... gambate gambate!